Most Secret Report Issued that Pakistan Will be Super Power

Most Secret Report Issued that Pakistan Will be Super Power 

The most Secret Report issue that Pakistan will be very soon a super power in the world because Pakistan army  is working very hard for its mission an it is said that if Karachi will be free form all crime The Economic of Pakistan  will be boom up an Pakistan will Progress very Strongly. The Report said that No body in the world can stop Pakistan  to do batter action for their country. So If Pakistan carry on All these Action against Anti Pakistan Groups Pakistan  can be Accepted as a super Power in the World Let see whats Happens. 

Most Secret Report Issued that Pakistan Will be Super Power 

On the Other Side China Pak Corridor is also Playing a vital role for Pakistan Development and we are very hopeful that  we will get Super Response in all concern if Government Work a little bit on Economic Planning. We will be very soon a  great Super power in Asia in All concern and we can get free form all kind of problems if we work hard for Pakistan Development.  All economic sectors will also get Batter Response and The Whole Pakistan will Progress in the Same way. 

Here is Urdu News for you which was issued in the secret Report. Let see what is the Real wording written in this Post. Soch time  have issue this news and published on their webpage here is the Report. 
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