Why Women need care of their Skin how they can improve it.

Why Women need care of their Skin how they can improve it. 

Beauty experts and skin care specialists refer often to various skin type. Dry skin, oily skin and combination skin assuming you know which category you fall under. You skin care remedies under your skin type or your skin depends on. Unfortunately there are lot of people who have no idea about their skin and how can they improve the condition of the skin.

As a result their skin can plan is more of the hit or miss variety. If the one want the perfect skin or flawless skin ones should know about the condition of their skin and know which remedies suits to their skin or which give them tough time women need to special care of their skin.

Why Women need care of their Skin how they can improve it. 

Why Women need care of their Skin how they can improve it. 

1. How to get free oily skin and Oily Skin Problems for Girls.

if you have oily skin. If you find oil on your skin in morning or in the after noon its mean you have oily skin. It is easy to treat the oily skin at home. First of all you need to clean your face in morning or night. Oily skin is cause of acne. So do not get lazy if you have oily skin. After wash the face apply oil free moisturizing cream or lotion on your face. It will give special care to your skin

2. Your Natural face is Your Real beauty try to just care of it. 

Some people have natural beauty they have to care their personal beauty or have to add simple steps in their daily life. For example avoid stress , stress is very harmful for the beauty. If you are facing the stress situation you will feel uncomforted and your skin or health will meet the harmful situation. Add fruit and vegetables in your diet. Drink plenty of water and enjoy sound sleep.

3. Oily and Dry skin are two different skins need different cares.

There are many skin types and every skin have their own problems. To solve the skin problems it is necessary for us to select the solution according to the problem. If we are poor to select the poor solution of the problem then our problem of skin goes to its worst and we face hard time. If we have dry skin then we have to select rich moisturizing products and if we have oily skin then we have select the oil free products.

4. Your Hair Shampoo must be as your Hair need for it. 

Like our skin ,our hair has also have many variety. There are all kind of shampoo is available in the market. It is very important that we select the shampoo according to the type of our hair. If we select the wrong shampoo for our hair then it will ruin the health of our hair. While selecting the shampoo we have to keep the conditions of hair in our mind. So we can select the best for our hair

5. Do not be the part of Beauty race you can just care.

There is a wrong concept in our society. We want to apply all the products which is used by our fellow, cousin or friends. Please keep in mind we all have different kind of skin we all have different skin problems. It is not necessary that the products suits them will also suit to our skin. Please do not be a part of beauty race you just care of your beauty so you can maintain the beauty of your skin or beauty

6. Your eyes are the expression of your face beauty care of them.

An old saying is “ eyes are the mirror of the soul “ .yes it is nice and true saying. Eyes is the window through this window we see the world and world judge our personality by our eyes. No doubt eyes are very special and important part of our face. We need to take extra care of our eyes. Wash your eyes with cool water. Spray some rose water  in the eyes it will increase the shine of the eyes.

7. Dry hair falling rate is double so try to make them wet.

Hair are the most amazing part of the body. Our beauty is also judge by the beauty of the hair. Well hair is also as important as the skin, eyes and other part of our body. There are some simple and easy steps by which we can get healthy hair or can reduce the hair falling. Always comb your hair when the hairs are wet. When the hair are dry their chances of falling is double. So always comb when your hairs are wet

8. Food Care can help you to be fit in your life with smartness.

Now majority of the people are facing many health problems. The most increasing problem of health is gaining weight. Gaining weight is one of the major problem every second person is facing this problem. We can face this problem by easy steps in our life. Like add fruits and vegetables in you diet skip fry and baker items from your diet. Drink plenty of the water.

9. Only True and real homemade face wash can help you to care of your skin. 

Everyone want flawless skin and also try to maintain the health and glow of the skin. There are many market products to maintain the beauty. But market products are expensive and it is just source of the earning. Market products are also wastage of time and money. You can make you face wash at home by using home remedies. Gram flour is best face wash of all type of skin.

10. Olive oil can help you to massage at home for face care. 

Oilive oil is the most ancient beauty products. There is very old association of beauty and olive oil. There are many benefits of olive oil. By using the olive oil we can get the beauty , we can also increase the beauty of the skin and also maintain the beauty of the skin. Simple take the olive oil and massage your face with soft hand. it will give the glow of you skin and also good care for the skin

11. Be careful about your hand and food beauty to improve their look.

I had seen many of girls who are very conscious about their face and apply different tips and tricks to gain the glow of the skin and also want to improve the glow of the skin but unfortunately they ignore their hand and feet. Dear girls hand and feet are also part of your personality. Do not ignore your skin of hand and feet. Please clean your hand and skin and scrub your hand and feet and apply good moisturizer cream or lotion.

12. How to get clear and clean face at home with beauty tips.

Skin is the most week point of any personality. If u have the dusty complexion but  you have clean and clear skin then it is called healthy skin. There are lot of tips and tricks and beauty suggestion which base of the home remedies. You can find these remedies in your kitchen. Beat egg yolk and add few drop of lemon in it and apply on your face. Wash it after 15minutes you can use this once in a week

13. Rose water massage can help to make your skin glowing. 

Rosewater is excellent for the skin. It is the best cleanser and toner for the skin. Rosewater increase the softness and maintain the health of the skin. Rosewater is using from the ancient time in beauty tips. Mostly beauty tips are uncompleted without the rosewater. Massage with the rose water is best treatment for the dull and dry skin. It always very helpful to get the glow of the skin.rosewater is not only good for the skin or body it is good for the lips and eyes

14. Skin Shining Care tips to get Glowing face at home. 

If you have shinny skin then it means that you have healthy body. In our daily life we struggle to get the shinning and glow of skin. We can find simple and easy remedies in our home. It is really very easy dip a cotton in the rosewater and apply on the face on daily bases. With the help of rosewater you will get shinny and glow of skin.you can add rosewater in any mask for the glow of the skin

15. How to Burn your Fat and how to look like smart. 

Weight gain is the hot issue now a day. Almost everyone is suffering from weight gain problems. Weight gain is the problem of due to our bad habits. Like we media take place of sport time, fresh and healthy food are replace by the fast food. We can be slim and smart by following steps. Add fruit, vegetables and fresh fruit juice. Use lentil and vegetable soup. Use plenty of water and green tea in your daily life. By these simple steps you can reduce your weight and get a slim look

16.Choose Proper Dressing Style to improve your look.

Sometimes we select wrong dress according to our personality which give the negative effect on our personality.foe example if we are healthy then there are other rules to select the dress if we have short height then there is some other rules to select the dress. If we are slim then there are other rules. If we are going in the function the time is very matter. For example in day wear light color or in the night wear dark color

17. Your Shoes choice can make you a perfect pretty doll.

Shoes are very important in the dressing. We can say that selection of shoes can make your personality or break the personality. Please keep some rules in your mind while selecting the shoes. Sometimes we are wearing the traditional shoes then traditional shoes are the best choice. If you are wearing some party dresses then choice the shoes according to the color of the dress and according to the height of your personality.

18. Your Way of Talking can improve your Makeup weakness.

Makeup is art and we can say that many of us are poor artist they do not know hoe to apply the makeup properly. How they can get the perfect look by using the makeup. Sometimes they fail to get flawless look by using the makeup. But there are some amazing tips for the people who cannot apply the makeup properly. You have to talk in nice manner and improve your personality which the other did by the use of the makeup

19. Be Real do not be artificial to show being extraordinary.

It is really very sorry to write that our society is full of the people who want to show their status. Everyone is trying to show off while they have wealth or not. Trust me it is very bad at look that you are trying to show your artificial status. Your style and your nature is always very expensive and give you the status which you deserve. So please do not run after the artificial show

20. You personality need Good makeup, Simple Dressing and Your attitude.

Everyone want to get the spell bound personality. Sometimes the people use wrong way to get the personality. And it is pity bad when someone lost the originality of ones personality to follow someone. Please do not do this. You have you own personality you can your personality more attractive by good make up which suit on your personality, simple dressing which suit on your body and your humble attitude will always help you in speechless beauty

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