What Is Net Working and How many Kinds of Networking.

What Is Net Working and How many Kinds of Networking. 

Dear Students Here we will Guide you about Networking Class Let See Networking Is the Connectivity of Two or more than two Computers when more than Two Computers Are connected with each other is called Networking. Like If I have a Laptop and One PC- My Personal Computer 
now if I connect my PC with My Laptop with Wire that will be example of Networking. This Combination may be more than two computers.Like If you have a Computer Lab in your School or College and you create connectivity with all computer that will be also example of Networking. 
Now you are going to think that why we use or Create this Network / networking. Actually there are some Benefits of this action. Like if we take example of One Computer PC and Laptop Connectivity what we will get the Benefits. Let See here are some Benefits of Networking. 

Image One PC and Laptop Connected with Cable.

Here are Some Important Benefits of Networking. 

1. Networking Help us for Sharing Information. 
2. Networking Help us for Sharing Documents. 
3. Networking help us for sharing Resourse. 
4. We can share our Software Application with each other. 
5. All Connected computer can transfer any command to other Computer Devices. 
6. This is easy way to communicate with each other. 
7. You can Reduce your Software Cost with Networking because it help you to share and by sharing you have not need to install software on 
all the computers. 
9.In case of Networking All the Students/ Officers / Labour work in Groups. 
10. Networking Enhance your Connectivity.
11.Networking also help you to share Hardware. (resourses.)
12. Internet is the Great gift of Networking. 

So these are some Benefits of Networking. Now we will Discussed the Different Kinds of Networking. 

What are the Kinds of Networking Describe with Screenshot Examples?

Hope you have Understand the Benefits of networking and it Definition also Now we will discussed about the Types of Networking.  Keep in mind that there are main three types of Networking in the world. Here You have to Understand two different Things One is  Type of Networking and the Other is the method of Creating Network.

Please Focused on these Two Different:

1- What are Networking Types.
2- what are the Ways to Creat Networking. 

1- What are the Types of Networking.

There are Three types of Networking which are known as LAN , MAN and WAN. Here we will discussed all these types in Detail. 

1.LAN ( Local Area Network)

Lan Stan for Local Area Network .A such type of Network which is created in a Hall or Building or Small geographic Area where More than two Computers are connected with each other is called Local Area Network. 
For example you Connect Two Different Computers with a Cable this will be example of Local Area Network. 

2.WAN. (Wide Area Network) 

WAN Stand for Wide Area Network and when Two or More Computers are Connected with in a company but Different Department is Called.For
example Dell Company have Tow Main Offices in a Building if Office One is Connected with Office Two that will be an example of WAN. 


Networking with in a City with one Department and other Department is also known as WAN. (Wide Area Networking)

3. MAN. (MetroPolitan Area Network)

The Combination of Network or country wide Network in other World we can say world Wide Network is Known as Metropolitan Area Network   This Type of Networking may be in World Wide or May be with in a Country but in simple world we can elaborate like the Combination of  Two or moare WAN wide Area Network is called MAN. Metropolitan Area Net Work. 

So Dear all These are the Basic Types of Networking Let Here if any kind of Question in your Mind About Networking Definition or Its  type or in Benefits of Networking Let Comment Us We will Guide you in Reply or in a batter Way. Hope this will be Helpful for all of you to Understand about the Types of Networking. 

What is Network Typologies and How Many Kinds of these Typologies?

Definition of Topology:

Before Understanding the Definition of Topology you have to Understand the Defecation of Networking. Hope you will be Satisfied about  Defecation as Mentioned Above Let have a Look once More. Basically The Connectivity of two or more computer is Called Network and we 
have Discussed its types In detail. So What is Topology actually when you connect the Systems /Computers in a Network there are different  methods to Creat a Computer Network That methods are Known as "Computer Network Typologies" Here There are Three main Types of Typologies.

1. Buss Topologies.

So the Methods of Creating Networking is known as Typologies. Here is the First Kind of Typologies that is Known as Buss Typologies.  In this Method we Connect All the Computers in a very simple way with a apecial Cable that is Known as Coxial Cable. This Special Cable  is Used in Wire Networking and every cornet is attached with BNC ( Barrel Navel Connector). This BNC Connector is connect with the Lan Card T.Connector. So  all Computers are Connected with This Cable and finely End Connector is Attached and we Got Final Image just as Given Below. 

What Is Net Working and How many Kinds of Networking. 

What Is Net Working and How many Kinds of Networking. 

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