Top Secret of Unhappy Marriages why Lover feel unhappy after Marriage.

Top Secret of Unhappy Marriages why Lover feel unhappy after Marriage. 

Once i ask a question from my friend why marriage life is unhappy why life partner are not happy after getting marry even they are good boy friend or girlfriend He answer me very simple that there is a big different between boyfriend and wife and husband so here is my best research on this topic here am telling you the most success stories of marriage life that how the get happy life after marriage and how you can manage your life as happy. 

Marriage is that institution which we all have to attend at a certain point of time in our life. And the moment we enter it there is no looking back. Our lives, lifestyle, way of living changes forever to that person in our lives. Beautiful is not it is. But definitely is not easy as it sounds.

With so many marriages breaking around the globe it is high time we should now out some light on a very simple recipe for successful marriage. The wife or the better half as we called it. She truly is the soul of any marriage and without her the household turn  in to its worst.

Top Secret of Unhappy Marriages why Lover feel unhappy after Marriage. 

1. First you have to understand the Value of Marriage 

Of course no marriage is perfect but many are happy. Happy marriage have difficulties but there is an abiding sense of us not just you and me. Follow these strategies and knows may be we will be telling fifty year hence of all the health, psychological benefits and happiness. First you have to understand the value of the marriage and the importance of the marriage. So you can do a better job for the better half

2. Marriage is Great differ than your Boyfriend culture.

Mostly the concept is seen that people thinks that having boyfriend and husband is the same thing. While is the total different concepts and the values of the relationships are totally different. If you want to have successful relationship then you do not need to handle all the relationships in one style. There are different values for every relation such matter is with the boyfriends and the husband

3. Unhappy marriage may be due to Children or Kids. 

Parents are an larger undertaking than married. Once children come into the picture priorities change lifestyle change and for sure sleeping habits. Difference in parenting styles is a major reason couples seek divorce. For example imagine one parent believes in letting a child seek divorce. For example image one parent believes in letting a child cry and the other believes in a more hands on approach unless the parties can communicate and work out a common solution issues 

4. Money May be Reason of Getting Unhappy marriage. 

It is found a husband’s unemployment can be a key factor behind divorce. In fact lack of money cans often marital problems to flare into a divorcing filing. A married couple facing financial difficulties to often under a lot of stress which in turn can lead to constant arguing and lack of communications. Couples who do not see eyes to eye on spending habits or that are in relationships where one spouse has and controls the finances often face martial strain that culminates in divorce

5. Mostly Low Self Esteem become the Reason of Unhappy marriage.

Nothing stays the same. Over the time people grow develop and change. Sometimes individual growth can mean that growing apart from their spouse. When parties lives, interest or dream become incompatible the marriage can begin to suffer as a result. Divorce is incompatibility is often the reason people end up filing for divorce. Low esteem become the reason of unhappy life

6. May be She Do not like your Parents or Your Parents do not like her.

Tension between in laws and men’s wives are a major cause of long term rows with rifts usually lasting a third longer than with daughters according to the study. Bonds between some daughter and mother in law are sometimes compared to the close friendship that is much rare. But far too many women describe this relation as tense. Many of the marriages cause of unhappiness is due to the harshness

شا دیا ں نا کام کیو ں ہوتیں ہیں اس کی تو ہر شخص کے پاس اپنی ایک کہانی ہےلیکن کیا آپ کو معلوم ہے شا دیا ں کامیا ب کیسے ہوتیں ہیں آج میں بتاوں گا آپ کو" دوستو! شادی کی کامیا بی کی واحد وجہ جو ممکن ہے ہو ہے آپ کا تحمل مزاج ہونا ، غصے کو پی جانا اور اپنی برداشت میں اضافہ کرنا ، اگر آپ کو واقعی مرد بننے کا شوق ہے تو مجھے کوئی گلہ نہیں ہے آپ اس ناکارہ طاقت کا استعمال کئجیے لیکن اس کے نتائج ہمیشہ برے پا ئے گئے ہیں۔ تجربات اس بات کے واضح گواہ ہیں کہ رشتوں کو جب بھی طا قت کی ذبان سے سمجھا یا گیا نقصان ہوا تو میرے بھائی خود کو بدلیےاور اچھے رشتوں کے لیے اپنا مزاج بدلئیے جتنے بھی لوگ اس وقت سکھی نظر آرہے ہیں کبھی ان کے ساتھ بیٹھیے اور دل کا حال پوچھیے میرا یقین کیجیے ان کے پاس ایک ہی راز ہے وہ یہ کہ بھائی ہم برداشت کر رہے ہیں تو بس صبر کیجئے اللہ عزت بھی دے گا اور اچھی لائف بھی۔ اگر اس پوسٹ کو آپ بطور عورت پڑھ رہے ہیں تو آپ سے گزارش ہے آپ بھی اسی مرحلے سے گزریں کیونکہ آپ کو اس مرحلے سے گزرنے میں اتنی تکلیف نیہں ہو گی جتنی کہ مرد حضرات کو۔ کیونکہ آپ کی چھوٹی سی نیکی آپ دونوں کی زندگی بنا سکتی ہے۔

7. Some Society and Religion Problems may be cause of this reason. 

expected arguments and issues. In marriage arguments may come up more often because of the different culture backgrounds in any relationship or marriage both partners have to be flexible and open minded when facing. for instance one partner’s prevalent social attitudes and common prejudice may be begin to show more openly one day. Mostly marriages have to face different problems due to the society and religion problem

8. Mostly Wife feel loneliness even they have a Good Husband so......

A commonly heard to successful marriage is that communication is the key. Relationship has found that lack of relationship or negative communication can quickly mar feeling of love and romance. One party stop communicating effectively, marital troubles that leads to divorce are not too far behind. Mostly lack of communication is the reason of loneliness even if you are good person.

Give mostly time to your wife and take care of her needs listen her what she really like to say. complete her sex need and what she need. Offer here gift here and share happiness with her i am hope full she will return all happiness for you. 

9. Women love to get Freedom of Independent lives if you don’t ........

After the marriage the lifestyle and the life changes too. The duties and the responsibilities are also change. Getting in the relation it is the concepts that build in the mind of the spouse especially in the mind of the male. Those females have no right over her. She has to spend the life as their husband wants. So it is totally wrong. A woman wants freedom and independent life’s.

10. Your frequent argument and Disrespect can be the Reason of Un happy life. 

Trust and loyalty are two things that the couples together aside from love. Betrayal to you partner once can be forgiven but that the trust there is already stained you have to exert afford to rebuild it and show to your partner that you are worth for him. Relationship something about trust. A marriage full of betrayal can never grow stronger instead it keeps getting weaker until it all breaks down into pieces right in front of you

The best way of living a good and happy life is only one way please bear each other you will get happy moments let start today and stay happy it is saying after a long experience let do the best in this view and get the best results in this Regards.

11. Communication Gape or Lack of Communication between partner 

One common misconception that people n a relationship has it’s the thought that problems when not dealt with will soon fade away. Little did they know that it will not be resolved in its own? Instead it will just lie there or live in your thought and the problems that build up are like plague it will eat whole of you until you can no longer take it. Lack of the communication or the gap of the communication destroy the relation

12. If you are not spending time with her that is a big reason

Relationship is like a plant you need to shower it with love and time for it to bloom. Any relationship without communication and time will soon weaken and wither. You may be leading a busy life but you also have to understand that there is so much that happened to your partner in a day and a day or two without communication with your partner means a chance that you let slip away to get closer with him or her

شا د یا ں کیو ں نا کام ہوتیں ہیں جاننے کے لیے ضرور وزٹ کریں 

13. Your Habits like Drinking or Drug Usage can reason of this cause. 

People can be addicted to substances behaviors or even other people. Whether its drug, gambling or alcohol addiction can wreck a person life . as a person addiction gains more control they often find themselves in peril of losing their marriage. Addict’s often exhibit behavior that is unacceptable in a marriage. A consequently addiction makes this list of top reasons couple’s divorce .

14. Lack of Love and caring after getting married.

You do not respect your spouse judgment. You constantly question their decisions and ability. Well you might say he/she had made wrong decision in the past. You have also made wrong decision too. Marriage is the coming together of two imperfect people bound together by love and discipline. You need to handle the marriage relationship with lot of love and care

15. Selfish Marriages never get successful life. 

You always thinks the one to change is your spouse. You always see their flaw and tears them down with your words. Negative words hurt. Especially when spoken by a loved one you drive your spouse away from you when you talk him or her down. You also have flaws. Sit down and check if you are the one who needs to change. Because the selfish marriages is never successful

16. Your High Expectations Can be the Reason of Un happy life. 

Never ever compare your marriage with other couples. It is wrong. Very wrong. It destroys the bond between couples. Your basis for comparison is sometimes shallow because you really do not know their own expense.  Every person have their own personality you cannot expect to much if your are going to expect to much then you are going wrong and it will be reason of unhappy life

17. If your are low tolerance this will be Highly cause such cases. 

When you do not forgive done to you, you build resentment. You become a time bomb waiting to blow up at any little touch. Hurt people and hurting others and are easily hurt by them. If you hurt your spouse and do not ask for the forgiveness. Do not bear grudges. Even if they apologize or not let it go. You build room for healthy communication and also stay healthy

18. Family Pressures is a big reason of un happy married life.

Mostly marriages ruin or suffer from unhappy pace is due to the family pressure. Mostly it is seen that the family involve in the married couple. They never try to settle down the affair they want to expose their matter. So in such cases the family pressures are the cause of the unhappy life. In fact we can say that family feel the authority over their son and do not let him go

19. Marriage is not a Ceremony it need commitment of life so be ready. 

Most people get carried away with the wedding ceremony, forgetting that the wedding is just for one day while the marriage will last of life time. They get engross with arranging for the food drink etc and do not make times out to discuss pertinent issues with their would be spoce or even plan ahead regarding some hurdles that may arise in marriage

20. Other Reason may be there. Please Comments us if you are facing a big reason.

This is very large world and every person have its own problems i hope if you have any other problem after discussing above 20 please share your story in comments and tell us how you have got experience after getting marriage and how you are feeling now a days if you got any problem in marriage life how you solve it please share you experience in comments.

Final Words about the topic.

May be you have good experience on this topic why people have not a Good life after getting marry. But toady am going to share the best one formula for you let get the super and best one Idea how to get happy life. I know that you love to get love and you love to get a happy life with a cute and loving wife but there are so many problems in your life but today the best the super and the Real happy life formula which i am going to say here for you let Be ready

Are you really like to know ho you can spend happy life after Marriage. That is very simple you know that every one know that but we can not effort that we just try but now try at the peek as we need do you know what formula is in final words am going to tell you here it is.

So please share your comment what you feel about this topic am waiting for your. Stay blessed a Happy life for ever.

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