Top Secret Girls problems Every Teenage Girl Must Know

Top Secret Girls problems Every Teenage Girl Must Know 

Teenage means that changes of body and hormones. Many of the skin and hair problems increase in this age. Teenage bring many of the problem. And it is the age when the girls have no idea how to handle the teenage problems. Sometimes with the growing age girls face blackhead, pimple and acne and sometimes growing size which give the effect of fat.

In the world there is endless beauty tips and tricks and lot of beauty suggestion to handle the problems of skin and hair. There are also many beauty tips for the teenager who is facing the problem.

Top Secret Girls problems Every Teenage Girl Must Know 

1. Black Spot are Natural Do not Get worry in Teen Age.

there are some natural changes which appear in the teenage. So black spots are one of them. Due to teenage is natural change so do not get worry about the changes of the skin. Sometimes black spots reveal on the face the reason is hormones changes. there are some bad bacteria on the skin which caused of the black spots . please do not apply everything on the face it will increase your skin problem

2. Keep in mind Body Change is Natural Process do not worry.

Teenager is the age of change in the body. Mostly the body change very quickly we can say that you cannot fit in your uniform. It is natural to get change in the body. So there is no need of worry. Parents should teach their children that they are not going fat their body size is getting change and it is natural. Parents should give concentrate on the teenager child about their body changes.

3. Offer to share all Problem within family not without family.

In the teenage parents should give the concentration to their children. Give them space and attach with them so they share the comments of the family and out of the family people. People give the comment about their size and health which give them insulting. In the teenage children need proper guideline how they can handle their problem tell them all the changes are natural you have to face it wisely

4. Tell them how to save them from Getting into Sex "Say No always"

Talk to you children about the body changes. Tell them what is good and what is bad for them. In this age they want to experience new things. In this age every changes are sensitive and if we do not handle them properly then it will get the shape of worst form. Tell them it is not good to have sex in this age. They should always say no to it. Some parents fail to convey their message to their children

5. Tell them about their body change that it is also Natural. 

In the teenager child get worst mood. They become pressurized. They are fail to understand their changes. Tell them that these changes are natural. There is hormones development in the body which cause many of the changes in the body. You have select the proper words and proper example to set their mind. You have to tell them how to handle these body changes. They need your guideline.

6. Tell them If she will help other Will help him. 

This age is the age of confusion. They teenager want to trust on the every person. Basically the teenager thinks that he/she is grow up now, she have no need of ideas and suggestion. You have to tell them what is good and what is wrong for them. Some parents urge with their child will reveal the result of much wrong result. Tell them how to help the others

7. Tell them about their life Problems to get Multi plans to Fallow on.

The main issue is that teenager are less mature but due to changes in the body they feel that they are enough big to take the decision and talk to others. And other also deal them like big one. But they cannot handle the matter. So tell them how they can handle their problems and how to apply the multi plans to solve the problems. Make the simple steps for their problems and tell them simple steps to solve their problems

8. Tell them There are Many save Way to Stay Safe in self protection.

It is not uncommon for the parents to wonder whether their children are acting like a normal teenager or behaving differently due to mental change. In the teenage all the changes begun. The changes of the hormones changes of the body and the changes of the mental. Some of teenager become more shy and some of them get much bold you have to tel them that how to be a safe and how to stay self protection.

9. Tell them How to Manage Money and How to Stay continue life. 

As it is mention that teenager is the age of growing. Many of the teenagers want to take the decision as a big person. They want to assume the style of the older. We have to teach them the rules and regulation of the life . such disciple will also help them in the future . like manage money and handling the proper money is an skill. We have to teach them how to use the money management.

10. Let them Learn form Teenage failures advice but don't Punish them.

Teenage is the age of the change .in the other words we can say that teenage means that child get many mistake by taking the decision. in that age child take many decision as the self estimator. They did not take the decision with coordination of the parents. So many of the decision get in wrong term. So don not punish them for their failure you have to teach them and advice them how to take right decision.

11. Always Help them to Remember their failures. 

Always help them to remember their failure. Tell them how to get new way to get the success. A well said “many failure is the cause of the success.” So if they are fail to achieve any of the target. Then tell them how to get the success after meet the success. Tell them tips and tricks of getting success and get the lesson from their failure.

12. Tell them how to achieve the Targets in case of All problems.

We have to tell them that how to achieve the target and their goal by all the problems. How ro face the problems while struggling in achieving the goal. It is initial stage of life when the habits and the effort develop. We have to teach them how to use their ability how they can get the target by using the ability of the personality.

13.Get a Good fun with your daughters sisters and Family girls. 

It is the age of getting involve in the wrong terms. Well we can say that teenager is the age of dangerous. Mostly girls and boys have no idea about the result of their action. Sometimes they want to creat fun but lack of knowledge and lack of experience bring harm and loss. So you have to creat fun with your daughter and sister. In this sense they know how to deal.

14. keep in mind if you will not listen them she will tell to other 

Teenage is the age of sensitive. We have to much conscious about them. They have heard many of the comment about their changes from the other. She have many of the problems which is cause of irritating. you have to make the time table by which you can talk to her. She can tell you about her problems. If you ignore her problems and you have less time to listen her then she will tell the other.

15. Tell them Say no to Drinking or Drugs at all cost. 

Parents need to make proper time schedule for them. You have to listen them. Make fun with them you have to tell her about the problems she or he is facing. You have to tell them the attic and the manner by which she can get a respectable place in the society. Tell them that drinking or drug is harmful for the body. You have to refuse drinking or drug at any of the cost

16. Tell them about society realities.

Teenager is the future of our society. After getting majority they have to deal with the society or run the society. So it is very important to tell about the society. We have to tell them how to live how to survive. Tell them about their custom and tradition so they can prove well for the society and also a prove their self best citizen. It is always good to tell about the reality of the society and the world

17. Tell them about Their Real life Problems how to face them

Teen aging is the age of mixing concept. You like childish things and sometimes you like elder things. While you are growing old. You are going to major. Then it is important to guide them to the real face of the society instead of ignoring. Tell them what the real problems instead of small problems are. Tell them they have to meet their real life problems and how they can handle their problem wisely

18. Advise them how to make their life safe even being a Good girl.

If you have healthy habits then you are fruitful for the society or the people of the society. But if have bad habits then you will prove bad for the society. So advice your child to being good for the people. Adopt good habit. Show the majority. Be sensible instead of emotional. Such habit will help them in being good

19. Tell them there is no Love Story but just a Bad Experience.

When they are growing the media has a very strong impact. They want to live a life of change. Mostly they adopt the way which give them satisfaction and proper timing. So please tell them there is no realistic of the love stories. It is always a bad experience with the bad impact on the personality. Tell them to have space with such response which leads them towards bad experience

20. Please Give time your Girls even they request from other.

Well children’s need time and proper attention from their parents. In the childhood they cannot do anything and accept their parents as they behave but when they meet the teenage they find some substitute of their parents attention and love. Sometimes such love and attention they find in wrong person. So please give your time to your girls even they request to other
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