How to Apply for Khidmat Card Application and Registration Process.

How to Apply for Khidmat Card Application and Registration Process. 

After launching Kissan Package Government of Punjab have introduce a new Khidmat card in Punjab for specially poor and  disable peoples. Here is a good news for all those who are trying to find out how to apply for Khidmat card.Today we will  guide you the process of Applying in Khidmat card in Government of Punjab. keep in mind this is not to return Only the people  who will got it they will enjoy with this as a qarze hasana. Khidmat Card is completely Free and qarze Hasana Loan scheme for all of you.

Who is eligible for khidmat card in punjab 2016 registration.

Khidmat Card is one an other big Project by CM Punjab. Khidmat Card 2015 was launched by the CM.Mr Shahbaz Sharif This Project is Completely For Disable and poor. No Official Statement have still been Announced by the Government of Punjab But Very Soon they will Published a Criteria of How to be Real elegible for this Scheme 2015. I mean The Eligible Statement have not Announced still now Let we have to wait for the Real Statement Who is Real Eligible for this Project. 

How to Login Khidmat Card 2015 Registration Process. 

Dear User this is very simple to Login for Registration of Khidmat Card. I Suggest you that please if there are some Person who is Disable any kind of Disable you must have to apply from the Log in
Registration site issued by the Government of Punjab. Yes a Registration website have been announced by the Government of Punjab and you can apply for that .Just Click her to Fallow.

What Kind of Information is Required for Khidmat Card Registration.

In Khidmat Card You must need these things , The Persona who is Disable , His complete Education information, Disable Person Address, CNIC numbers , Parents / Mother / Father's Information, His Address , Complete Address Any job information, Signle or Marriage, Complete Information about Family, Experience of Job, etc. Theye also required to put two Phone Number for Registration of Khidmat Card.

Who will Get Khidmat Card 2015

Every Disable any kind like Physical Disabel or Mentally Disable will eligible for Khidmat Card Program. They will not only get Money 1200 Per Month but alos many other Facilities also given to them like Education etc.

How to Download Khidmat card Registration Form. 

Dear User there is no Hard copy of Khidmat Card available till now Only Online Registration process is allowed you can also Use Online Registration process. So just Carry on with the Same Method as government Allowed. To apply online Please

click here. 

The CM of Punjab Mr. Shabaz Sharif is going to launch this scheme very soon and the process of Applying onlie is going to be start  very soon so of you are going to find out the best serveses on Khidmat card. we will guide you on the same topic in detail. All the poor people  must be happy because they are very soon able to get this offer free. Only Punjab government have introduced this offer of Khidmat card  for the Poor and Disable people. Let keep in mind only People of Punjab will liable for this scheme. 

How to Apply for Khidmat Card Application and Registration Process. 

Here one thing that you must remember is that this offer for only disable and poor people of punjab who will get chance to avail this  offer. CM Mr. Shahabaz Sharif have said that 2 billion Rupee have offered in this project which will be distributed in 36 District of  Punjabe with atleast 2 lakh People in Punjab. Onley Punjab people will enjoy this offer and they will get 3600/ Rs. every three month 
or YOu can say that this amount will be 1200 Rupee per month. All amount is distributed under the same roof. The Bank of Punjab will  continue this Project after successful launching of Kisaan Package. 

Government of Punjab have make a Complete plan for Khidmat card tha how to apply for it and what is the Process of getting chance in  this Project. CM have also introduce that in this project they will also offer wheel chair and artifical body parts for disable people of punjab. The bank of Punjab is once again in this Lucky project the owner of launching this Product. Very soon the Khidmat cards will be offered  in All BOP's Branches of Punjab Governmetn 

Who is Eligibal For Khidmat Card in Punjab :

If you are intrested to know abotu eligibility Criteria of Khidmat card let Keep in mind this is completely for disable and mostly poor people of  punjab. No official statements have still introduced adn we are waiting for the final statement it will be introduced very soon in 2016. I will upload the all 
the information about Khidmat card and this is very easy you can apply online all information is necessary for Khidmat card applying. Soon all necessary information will 
be uploaded. Let apply online 

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