Why Modi Visit Pakistan in surprise , a report on True purpose of Visit

Why Modi Visit Pakistan in surprise , a report on True purpose of Visit 

Keep in mind that the Visit of Mr. Modi to Pakistan was Totally a surprising visit for every one even in Indian media also said this is Really a surprise for both. Actually what i want to say her is that You have done a Good job Mr. Modi. I Personally appreciate you because i don't know the Reason , I don't like to know the reason but the Thing which i like is that , The Both countries like to come on this Stage because if we just get a little servery on our background than you and our all people who are getting to create some negative respects for this picture will realize that we have needed a lot of work to do for our countries. 

Why Modi Visit Pakistan in surprise , a report on True purpose of Visit 

Pakistan is also under developing countries and you also so we both need to work more for our people , for our Society for a batter development. So Mr Modi you have done a good job to start this conversation  once again if the Reason is just this one. I appreciate the Visit and hope for the same in near feature for economic development , for peace in both countries and for education revelation in sub continent. 

So being a lay man i really appreciate this one , Once in an indian newspaper i was goin to read that Mr Masheeh Bhut Who is Indian Film director Said" Tha Mr. Modi is a Great man who do a Great job in this Concern So am really Agreed with Mr. Maheesh But that he was Saying Tru. It late but not to late You done Good Mr. Modi. So let start for a Happy India and Happy Pakistan to live long for the Most innocent People of these Countries to stay happy. We need Peace and he have to work for it. Thanks for Visit I hope that we will win the Peace War. 

Here I also Appreciate Mr Nawaz Shareef that you also done a Great job I really appreciate your work and You planning for a good Pakistan. Thanks Mr. Nawaz I with you live long and Stay happy. 
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