How to get fair skin by using home remedies

How to get fair skin by using home remedies
Every one specially women want light tone skin or become fair in few min. There are many creams in the market for the lighter tone. Such creams are much expensive and total wastage of time.The chemical are used in such creams are much irritating for the skin. It also destroy the skin.So, do not waste your time and money on the market products .I am going to write some easy home remedies for the fair skin.
How to get fair skin by using home remedies
Honey and lemon face mask
Add honey and lemon and apply on the face. After 10 min wash your face and enjoy the fairness of face.
Apple cider vinegar toner
Make a toner  add some vinegar water and some tree tea oil in the spray bottle. And keep this bottle in the refrigerator . Make sure do not use this bottle after one week
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